Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!

I am thrilled you have chosen to join me to reconnect, revitalise, and rediscover the magic in your relationship.

Over the next four weeks, we're going to explore 7 principles to a thriving partnership, based on the 40+ years of scientific research done by Gottman and his associates.

You will build and strengthen the foundation of your relationship, have the opportunity to learn new things about each other and hopefully enjoy it along the way!

This program is designed to be an interactive way to:

  • Create more safety and trust in your relationship
  • Repair hurts in your relationship & restore affection
  • Share what really matters to you without conflict
  • Understand each other better
  • Rebuild and strengthen physical and emotional connection
  • Boost your relationship and increase the love
  • Help you to rediscover the magic in your relationship

We've provided everything you need in the form of a workbook, videos, presentation and me - your facilitator!

My name is Pam Custers, and I'm thrilled to be here with you. I am a relationship therapist and run a busy practice in South West London. I'm resident expert on Paired, a relationship app, and have been on the BBC, in the Telegraph and on the Huffington Post amongst others talking about relationships.

I have worked for many years with couples just like you and me who come for relationship therapy. But often the problem I see in my room could have been tackled earlier, preventing the need for therapy in the first place. There are principles and approaches that could benefit ALL couples. 

That's why I love this program, and why I'm chuffed you are here today. It's simple, and it works.

It doesn't matter how young or old you are, if you've been married for 25 years or if you've been dating for one. Maybe you've got kids, maybe you don't. You could consider yourself straight or identify as LGBTQIA+. You might be pre-engaged or tackling the challenge of aging parents. It doesn't matter: the principles we'll explore together are appropriate for almost every couple, and will help you to bolster your partnership.

Just a reminder: this course is not suitable for couples tackling domestic violence, emotional abuse or substance abuse. For more support on these issues, please visit your GP.

This is personal development, not therapy. It's all anonymous, and there's no need to share anything: no airing of dirty laundry here!

So let's...

EXPLORE the principles based on 40+ years of research, and over 3000 couples

CONNECT with your partner, strengthen your bond and grow your physical and emotional connection

BOOST your relationship, repair hurt and enter 2022 stronger than ever

I can't wait to jump in!

So let's get started....

-- Pam

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